August 12th 2024
Important Milestones: Your Child By One Year

At 12 months, children typically reach significant developmental milestones in motor skills, social interactions, and language development. These milestones often include abilities such as walking with support, imitating sounds and gestures, and demonstrating curiosity about objects. It's important for parents and caregivers to monitor these milestones closely to detect any potential delays early, ensuring appropriate support and interventions for the child's ongoing growth and exploration.

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Milestones In Action : By One Year- The CDC's 1-Year-Old Milestones Photo Library offers visual examples of developmental milestones that infants generally achieve around this age. It includes images illustrating actions such as walking independently, using simple words, and engaging in basic pretend play. This resource assists parents and caregivers in recognizing and monitoring their child's developmental milestones through visual references provided by the CDC.

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