Call to Schedule an Appointment

(813) 471-9709


Please Note:  Established PHCA patients are referred for Developmental Pediatrics services by their primary care pediatrician or pediatric nurse practitioner within PHCA. These services are not open to patients outside PHCA. Thank you.


About Developmental Pediatrics at PCHA

At PHCA, our primary care providers offer consultative visits to address developmental and behavioral health concerns such as developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), learning disorders, and other developmental-behavioral health disorders. After a consult, your child may be referred to our dedicated Developmental and Behavioral Health team for an in-house evaluation and follow-up care. 

IMPORTANT: We have a dedicated scheduling center for our specialty care teams, please contact (813) 471-9709 for questions or scheduling after a referral. Currently, these providers are rotating between several offices, and patients will be notified during scheduling where the visit will take place. 

Our specialty health team will continue to expand to help meet all of your child’s medical needs. If your pediatrician feels care is needed that is outside of our scope of practice, PHCA also maintains an updated list of community resources in specialty care for outside referrals.