
A new baby on the way is an exciting time, and there are many decisions and choices to make, including selecting a pediatrician.

Parents-to-be should consider selecting a pediatrician by the beginning of your third trimester, if not sooner. This is an important decision and you will want to allow yourself time to meet with the pediatricians in your area, see their offices, and have peace of mind with your selection well in advance of your baby’s arrival. Below are some sample questions and topics for discussion at a prenatal visit and interview. 

If you would like to have a prenatal visit at any of our offices, you can request a visit online and a member of our staff will contact you for scheduling. We wish you all the best during your pregnancy, and we look forward to meeting you soon. 


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After Baby Arrives

- What are your hospital affiliations?  
- How soon after the baby is born will he or she be examined?
- When is my first visit in the office with my new baby?  
- How often are visits needed?

About the Office

- How can the pediatrician can be reached?  
- What are the office hours?  
- Are there early morning, evening or weekend hours for working parents?  
- How long does it take to get a routine appointment?  
- How long is a typical visit? 
- Is there always time for questions? 
- Who covers for the pediatrician if he or she is not available? 
- Are all visits with a pediatrician, or are some visits with a nurse practitioner?

About the Pediatrician

- How long have you been in practice?  
- Why did you decide to become a pediatrician?

Urgent Needs and Illness

- When my child is sick, can I get an appointment the same day?  
- Is it policy to have "telephone" hours or can we call with questions anytime?
- How are after-hours calls handled?
- Is there a pediatrician on-call 24 hours a day?

Specific Health Concerns

You may wish to discuss these health topics when selecting a pediatrician:
- Breast feeding
- Infant nutrition
- Circumcision
- Medications
- Immunizations

Things to Consider

There are other aspects to consider, which you can observe and ask about during your office visit:
- Is the office staff warm and friendly?
- Is the equipment modern?
- Are hallways and rooms clean?
- Is the office child-friendly, with cheerful examining rooms?
- Is the office convenient to your home or office?
- Is there adequate parking?
- Do they accept my insurance plan?
Additional Resources
  • Caring for Your Newborn Guide
    Written by our pediatricians and designed to help new parents during your baby's first few weeks at home.
  • Choosing Your Insurance
    The top 3 questions you should ask before selecting an insurance plan.
  • Vaccines for Parents
    To help protect newborns and infants before they are fully immunized, we offer select vaccines for parents at all of our neighborhood offices.