Call to Schedule an Appointment

(813) 991-9173


About PHCA Evening Hours

Evening Hours are open to all patients from any PHCA office to treat cough, wheezing, fever, ear pain, and other common childhood ailments. These offices operate in the same physical location as a PHCA day office, with different support staff and phone numbers. Many of the providers you know and trust from our offices work a rotating schedule at Evening Hours Offices.

Phones and staff are available during listed hours, and appointments are scheduled at the earliest available time.

Office Info

In-Person Office Visits
In-Person Office Visits


Mon - Fri ONLY
5:30 pm - 9:00 pm

5259 Village Market
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
United States

(813) 991-9173


  • Memorial Day Day, July 4th, and Labor Day: Open 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm
  • Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day: Closed
  • Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve: Hours vary each year 

Site Manager

Pediatric Health Care Alliance is an independent, physician-owned medical practice. We have 15 locations in the Tampa Bay area. We are consistently rated as having the top pediatricians in our area. We are affiliated with St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, BayCare, St. Joseph’s Women's Hospital (Women’s Care and Baby Care), Advent Health Tampa Hospital (Mother and Baby Care), HCA Brandon Hospital (Women’s Care and Baby Care), John’s Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, Orlando Health Bayfront Hospital (Baby Place), and Tampa General Hospital (Obstetrics Center) .