Well Check-Ups
Your baby’s well check-ups are planned to coincide with the recommended schedule of immunizations. There will be at least one injection (shot) at each visit until 18 months of age. Our office follows the well-child visit schedule as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (see Well Child Visit Schedule linked below).
It is important for the well-being of your child that these visits be scheduled on time. At each well visit, your child’s development, height, weight, diet, behavior and medical status will be discussed with you.
Recommendations and suggestions will be provided to advise you until the next well visit. At each well visit, from newborn up to 18 years of age, you will receive a handout with health and safety tips appropriate for your child’s age.
For each vaccine your child needs, you will be given an information sheet describing the benefits and any side effects your child might have from any of the shots. Be sure to read it and ask any questions you might have.
We encourage you to review these handouts prior to your appointment by checking the Vaccine Schedule, then clicking on the link to the vaccine(s) your child will receive.
Sick Visits
Every effort is made to see your sick child on the day you call the office. Sometimes, after speaking with a nurse or assistant in the office, it may be determined that your child can be seen on the following day with suggestions of what to do and watch for until that appointment.
Please try to avoid arriving at the office without calling first, as it may result in a long wait.
Even though immunizations can be given when the child has a mild illness, it is not a good idea to schedule a sick visit and then ask us to do a well check-up. There is not enough time for evaluation of diet, behavior, and developmental issues with the main reason for the visit is an illness. If you child has an appointment for a well visit, and develops mild illness without fever, you may keep the appointment so the immunizations will not be delayed.
Contacting Us
You may call the office any time during our office hours if you have a concern or question. You can also leave a message for your pediatrician or nurse practitioner. Be sure to be clear in your request and leave your phone number. If you have not heard from us in several hours, please call again.
Our answering service is available after regular office hours. The answering service will evaluate your call, and either refer you to the nursing staff at All Children's Hospital or contact our on-call pediatrician.
Caring For Your Newborn
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