Developmental Pediatrics visits at Wesley Chapel will be moved to Lutz as of August 1, 2022
We are pleased to announce a new, dedicated office space for Developmental Pediatrics at our current Lutz Office.
The new space includes offices and patient visit rooms for Dr. Ryan Baker, NP Briana Jones, PA Kendall Northcutt, and NP Lindsey Czerniawski.
This means that Developmental Pediatrics visits previously scheduled at the Wesley Chapel Office will be moved to the newly expanded side of the Lutz Office.
What You Need to Know
- This change is effective Monday, August 1.
- Patients with previously scheduled visits on or after August 1 with Developmental Pediatrics at Wesley Chapel will be notified directly about the move to Lutz.
- Appointment reminders for affected visits will now list the "PHCA Developmental Pediatrics at Lutz" office location and address.
- PLEASE NOTE: This change only affects visits with Developmental Pediatrics previously scheduled at Wesley Chapel.
- Developmental Pediatrics visits at FishHawk, South Tampa, and Brandon are not affected and will continue to be held at those locations.
- Lutz Office Address: 1854 Oak Grove Blvd | Lutz, FL | 33559
NOTE: The Lutz Office has two entrances, and it is important for patients to use the designated entrance for Developmental Pediatrics visits. See photo below that shows the correct entrance.
- If you have questions or concerns about an upcoming Developmental Pediatrics visit that is affected by this change, please call our Specialty Health Department at (813) 471-9709.
Please use the designated entrance for Developmental Pediatrics, which is to the right when facing the building.