East Lake Office Merge With Suncoast Office
Special Notice Regarding Medicaid
We regret that this consolidation of offices presents a different circumstance for our patients on Medicaid plans. We plan to transition East Lake patients to other established doctors within our practice; however our Medicaid panels are limited by office location, and our other offices have full Medicaid panels which are closed to new patients. Dr. Mellott is leaving the practice, so we will not have additional providers that could have otherwise allowed for more patients on Medicaid. Unfortunately this means that current East Lake patients on Medicaid will not be able to stay on with PHCA.
To find another provider please contact the member services number on your child’s ID card, or search online at ahca.myflorida.gov. If your insurance changes in the future to a plan we are accepting, please let us know if you would like to return to our practice. Thank you.