March 26, 2020

PHCA is keenly aware of the economic impact on both the local and national economy due to COVID-19. We know our patient families are being affected, and we are taking steps to provide some reasonable measures of financial relief.

Today we are announcing revised guidelines for patients and families with outstanding medical debt, effective immediately.

  • If a patient's family has experienced a layoff, furlough, or similar economic hardship due to COVID-19 and has outstanding patient medical debt with PHCA, they will be eligible for newly instituted extended-payment terms.
  • PHCA will extend payment terms for up to 12 months in length, for payment plans beginning in any period through June 30, 2020. 
  • PHCA does not charge interest or fees on any patient debt.
  • Our Credit Card on File service and our recurring payment system adds convenience by allowing for automated monthly payments. 
  • Patients should contact our billing office for details about extended-term payment plans, and information will also be included in upcoming patient statements. 
    Billing Office: (813) 855-5080, option 4

  Pediatricians have a special obligation to provide care for the youngest patients, and that commitment includes all areas of a child's well-being. If our patients and their families need some financial flexibility, we will be there to help in any reasonable manner possible.