Updated September 21, 2022

The 2022-2023 seasonal flu vaccine is available at all PHCA locations. 

It takes about two weeks for antibodies to develop and provide protection against the flu, so all patients (and parents) are encouraged to come in for the annual flu vaccine as soon as possible. 


  • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the current season flu vaccine every year for children ages 6 months and older, as soon as it becomes available.
  • The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during the upcoming season.
  • Getting the vaccine every year as soon as it becomes available provides optimal protection prior to the start of flu season.
  • Patients can get the flu vaccine at the same visit as other vaccines, including COVID-19 (initial series or booster).


Parent Vaccines

PHCA offers flu and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines for parents. 

Please talk to your child's health care professional to see whether these vaccines are right for you and other adult and adolescent members of your household.


Patients with private insurance:

We are receiving deliveries of flu vaccine on a regular basis, so we expect to have sufficient inventory for the near future.

Patients eligible for VFC (Vaccines for Children):

  • VFC flu vaccine orders are placed well in advance and provided to us in allotments throughout the season.
  • We are not notified in advance when allotments may be coming; therefore we are not able to guarantee availability of VFC flu vaccine at this time. 

